Friday 16 March 2007

life at 1 mile and hour

day 6/7

Went swimming and did 1 mile! 50 lengths. Weighed in at 92 kg which means I have lost 1kg in only a few days. Snacked on large amounts of fruit, and did 10 press ups, squats and sit ups. So feelin' alright! It was difficult but I didn't feel as tired like on wednesday. The other thing I have noticed is the colour in my face, its more healthy and reddish, rather than white with dark eyes. Amazing.

I worked out why i couldn't get up in the mornings - My house mate and me decided that it was summer and we didn't need the heating on in the mornings, and we would turn off that wasteful boiler. Couldn't hardly open my eyes. anyhoo thats fixed.

In sort of celebration of losing 1kg I went out and drank loads of free booze, which I needed to do, wine and sprits mainly, rather than the fizzy stuff. Which was a shame in diet terms, but i really felt like it, normality slips back in.

Woke up with a rather large hangover and the shakes, so decided that I would eat a huge 'sub' type sandwich, it was wonderful, pure joy.

Snacked on more fruit, including some larger-than-they-should-be strawberries.

Might go for a cycle tomorrow, as my pects still hurt from Thursdays swimming.

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