Days 66-90
Up down big small, good breakfast, bad breakfasts, swimming loads, not swimming at all. Wobble Wobble, no Wobble Wobble. Where is it all going/coming from, where is it all going to? Has Fatman Lost his way? Can you lose weight with no money? Does going to the market to buy cheap veg and then being short changed when you give someone a 20 pound note some sort of CRAZY OUT OF THIS WORLD Karma?
Ying Yang Flib Flab.
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans, and a belly is what you get when you forget to blog, and diet.
God it's so difficult to keep on track, the actual details, swimming, eating well, easy peasy, its all those other bits, trying to find a healthy snack in a shark infested menu at the posh restaurant. Avoiding eating a pizza that someone has lovingly cooked for you when you arrive at their house. Avoiding all you can eat (Free) breakfast buffets, when your skint (I can't). Forcing yourself to drink white wine spritzers instead of devouring a lovely hand crafted pint of blacker than you heart Beer.
It reminds me of a scene in the Rock (1996)
Stanley Goodspeed: I'll do my best
John Mason: Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
So the question is am I fucking the prom queen or am I doing my best?
If your not a winner (weightloss or otherwise), or have to entertain the idea of winning or losing, then you have most certainly lost.
“PMA The philosophy of having a positive mental attitude is the belief that one can increase achievement through optimistic thought processes. Having a vision of good natured change in the mind.”
I know of a friend that plans her meals two weeks in advance on an excel spread sheet - mental attitude? Is that really what it takes? Making little / no room for manoeuvre. What ever happened to the darling of last minute dot com, Spontaneity? Or variation? What happened to Mr and Miss, lets go crazy! Did they get fat and poor?
Am I a monkey for corporate spin? Am I the ultimate consumer (£+food), caught between I want and I need. Bouncing between scraping by and scraping the ice cream bowl?
Ergh, I give up.
(p.s on a slightly less self involved melodramatic note at sometime this month i was 89.5kg (= good), hang on that's still self involved, argh!)
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
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