Sunday, 18 March 2007


day 8/9

So, the first full week of my getting fit experiment and I have lost 1.5kg which is great considering i was going for 0.5kg a week. I am better at swimming, can now swim a mile with not to much stress.

I was told by a good friend JRF, to cut out the bread about two years ago, to lose weight, so finally i have. Before the regime i would often have 2 slices for toast and then two rounds of sandwich for lunch with cheese and mayo etc etc, and possibly a pizza late at night. bergh!

The diet coke drinks are now making me very sick, so am trying to vary it with gin+ slimline tonic or wine. Not great but better than a pint.

I am also allowing more leniency with the diet as I am way over target at 1.5kg, the amount of exercise seems to cancel out any drinking that I am doing.

It was really windy today and i didn't get pushed over so I still have some way to go.

sat breakfast - carboardflakes and fruit
sat dinner - veggie mush with rice and pork chop

sun breakfast - cardboard flakes and fruit
sun lunch - Salad sanwich, low fat cheese + a meaty snack thing from ALDI
sun dinner - fish and boiled potatoes

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Well done on the weight loss, that's quite a lot in just a week though - the best amount is about 2lbs a week (not sure how much that is in kilos). You will find it falls off at first then slows down a bit, so take it easy on the free-booze-blow-outs ;)

And well done on the mile swim - funny you measure your weight in kilos and your swims in miles, I'm the other way round and always aim to swim a km...