Tuesday 20 March 2007

Can bowling count as exercise?

breakfast - cardboard flakes, fruit
lunch - wrap, low fat cottage cheese etc
dinner - not had it yet.

Today, I feel like I should be doing more. I was going to do exercise on Sunday but it was rainy, so couldn't go walking and I had already done swimming on Saturday. Gym? you have to be inducted 'Gym Inductions - on Saturday, when the moon is half and the wind is in the north- easterly direction' thanks, not much use at 2pm on Sunday. So I kind of feel like I have missed a exercise session. I might just go and run around a bit, chase small children, or cars, that could be fun, 'no wait! my hands caught in your doooooooor!' or something. and when I get caught by the police, I can tell them that I am doing excercise, and they would have to prove me wrong, and it will be all so funny, and in the end the police people will be laughing, coz its all so weird, and i say, maybe arrest all joggers, and they say, because 'they go round and round and round' and we will all sing Blur, and forget about all this silly nonsense about being arrested for chasing cars, and we will all be best mates and go down the pub. The End.

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